About Risk Bulletins

Risk Bulletins are regular outputs of our regional observatories, which draw on civil society networks to provide new data and contextualize trends related to organized-crime networks, illicit trade and state responses to them. If you would like to subscribe to future editions of the West Africa Risk Bulletin, please sign up here or email Lyes.Tagziria@globalinitiative.net.

About the Global Initiative

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime is a global network with more than 700 Network Experts around the world. The Global Initiative provides a platform to promote greater debate and innovative approaches as the building blocks to an inclusive global strategy against organized crime.


This Risk Bulletin is an output of the ‘Support to the Mitigation of Destabilizing Effects of Transnational Organised Crime’ (M-TOC) project financed by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by GIZ and the GI-TOC. The views expressed in this Bulletin are not necessarily those of GIZ or the Federal Foreign Office.

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